Amazon River

The Amazon River is about 6.400 kilometres long, and is considered the second longest river of the world. Depending on how the length is measured, it can compete for being the longest, but the Nile is generally accepted as being longer. On the other hand, the Amazon River is undisputedly the river with the largest water flow. It originates from the Ucayali-Apurimac river system in the Peruvian Andes Mountains, and flows through Colombia and Brazil before it reaches the Atlantic Ocean. At the widest part, the river is 10 kilometres across. During the wet season, though, the widest part can be as wide as 48 kilometres. The biodiversity of the river basin is incredible. It has more then 2100 different species of fish, and the number is growing as more are discovered. It also has a huge diversity in mammals, including the boto, or Amazon River Dolpin, which is the largest of the river dolphin species. Another famous inhabitant is the anaconda, one of the world's largest snakes.

The Amazon River

Iguazi Falls

The Igazu Falls are situated on the border between Argentina and Brazil. It can be reached either from the Argentinian city of Puerto IguazĂș or from Foz do Iguacu in Brazil. Both of the countries have created a national park around the waterfall, which both have been added as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The edge of the falls is about 2,7 kilometres long. Along the edge there is about 900 metres of dry land, divided into many small islands. Between the islands there are about 275 separate waterfalls, ranging in height from about 60 metres to 82 metres. About 80% of the falls are on the Argentinian side. To get the complete impression of the falls though, it is best to see the falls from both the sides.

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